
The passion of christ movie 2010 cast of characters
The passion of christ movie 2010 cast of characters

the passion of christ movie 2010 cast of characters

For the most part, this production is average, with okay camera work and historically authentic sets and locations. It’s clear that there was money behind this film-you don’t get the opportunity to make a more than two hour film every day. His work as an Apostle of Jesus Christ is still affecting the world today.

the passion of christ movie 2010 cast of characters

Though many were still skeptical of him, God was with him all of his life and used him to turn the world upside down. From there, his life was never the same as he became Paul and effectively switched sides and became zealous for sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. Saul of Tarsus was a ruthless man bent on destroying the church of Jesus Christ, until he had an unforgettable encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus.

The passion of christ movie 2010 cast of characters